Learn English in context

Learn English in context

Learn English in context

WebStar School of English
- January 14, 2015
Andriod 2.3.3 and up +


“Learn English in context” is an app that enables learners of any level to understand the English vocabulary in a clear context. “Learn English in context” uses a unique teaching system that presents more than 70 videos for common day-to-day actions with over 400 words to practice (120 irregular verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, …).

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Product Description

Aside the instructional videos, this app also includes dictionaries, games and notes. With “Learn English in context” you get a proven method of learning English faster than with the regular textbook solutions.

Here’s what you get by installing this app:

  • Professional videos that show real situations and allow anyone to exercise and learn new words in clear context
  • Dictionaries with photos of the used words, sounds for the pronunciation and usage examples
  • Multiple word games (hangman, puzzles, scrabble) and quizzes to have fun while practicing what you learned
  • Notes that allow you to store new vocabulary items or personal notes in relation to the notes used

Many foreign English speakers began their English studies at school, so after seven or eight years of hard studying would be able to speak and understand day-to-day English. However, when the average student of English attempts to use the language outside a classroom and a notebook, they are unable to understand spoken English and this is where our system is helpful, as it presents real life clear context (you can see here a presentation video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeuviR4UrXQ).