How Did Amy Die?

Matcha Studios
Andriod 2.3+


Can you text, race and drive at the same time? Of course you can! But be prepared to face the consequences of doing it by finding out who is Amy and how she died.

This awesome texting, racing and car driving game includes real funny conversations from parents, friends and siblings.

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Product Description

Main Features:

  • Endless gameplay. Can you text, race and drive at the same time? That’s what you’ll need to do in this (theoretically) endless game without killing yourself or others.
  • Tilt control. The controls are dead easy, simply tilt the device to move the car and reply to text messages in the same time. The slightest mistake and you kill Amy…
  • Funny conversations. Game includes real funny conversations from parents, friends and siblings. Type them while steering and you’ll see the consequences of texting while driving.
  • Global leaderboards. “How Did Amy Die” is incredibly difficult for a reason, to show how dangerous is texting while driving. Get a high-score and access the global leaderboards.

“How Did Amy Die” is more than a game, it is an important experience that inoculates the feeling of how distracting can be to text while steering a car.