Keypad Lock Screen

Keypad Lock Screen

Keypad Lock Screen

Hexati Ltd
- December 31, 2014
Andriod 3.0 and up +


“Keypad Lock Screen” beautifies your home screen by showing wonderful wallpapers while protecting your phone from unauthorized access using a passcode that you define in its settings. It’s very easy to configure and once fired up your phone will be fully protected.

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Product Description

“Keypad Lock Screen” is a beautiful lock screen that secures access to your smartphone with a passcode.
Here are some of its features:

  • Simple to use. Once you install the app, just go in its settings to define a password and that’s it, the lock screen will be actively protecting your phone.
  • Wallpapers. Beautiful wallpapers to choose from and display on your lock screen, as well as images from your smartphone gallery
  • Notifications. Missed calls & messages notifications will be overlayed on the lock screen, allowing you to swipe for action (reply, dismiss)
  • Themes. Different keypad themes to choose from and also the possibility to set various font and text colors for the current theme