
Planwise, Inc.
- October 12, 2014
Andriod 2.3 and up +


Planwise is a free financial decision tool that helps you manage your money wisely that is focused on home affordability. It can be used anonymously or sign up with your email to save your profile and easily re-use your calculations. If you sign up you also get a free access to the complete Planwise web application.

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Product Description

It is a powerful financial planning tool that helps you make better financial and investment decisions. Planwise helps with major purchases like buying a home, a car and other important decisions that you will make throughout your life. It allows you to enter securely your personal information (income, current expenses, savings and existing loans) and will inform you how your financial decisions influence your long term wealth and investments.

Here’s what makes Planwise your perfect financial tool:

  • Security is one of its strongest points and your data is fully protected (no bank logins are required either)
  • Access your data and your financial plans from anywhere as Planwise is available on Android, iOS and Web with synchronized data
  • Multiple graphs and reports help you see faster how much money you have in your bank, your total debt, net income and more
  • Up to 50 year projections for your decisions if you like to have your financial life organized early on
  • Save your data with just your email address and it will be easily accessible on all your devices
  • Unlimited financial plans with the possibility of turning on/off a plan to see its impact