Speaky: Practice Languages

Speaky Team
Andriod 4.1+


We created Speaky because we strongly believe the best way to learn a language is to practice it. No matter how many hours you spend reading books or websites, if you don't practice with real users you won't learn.

And Speaky is the perfect app to instantly practice languages with real worldwide people in more than 110 languages. Don't study a language, Speaky-IT!

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Product Description

Main Features:

  • Real conversations. Speaky lets you engage in conversations with other real worldwide users to practice your language skills. Want to learn English, German, French or hundreds others? It’s as simple as picking a pal and composing/reading messages.
  • Multi-language practice. Use Speaky to find a language partner from a community of users based in 180 different countries and native in 110 languages. You can practice multiple languages at once, as you can have endless conversations with others.
  • Make friends. Speaky will ask what languages you want to learn, what’s your native one, what your interests are and based on that it will suggest matching users. You can also browse the community or filter them by language, gender, age and language skills. You’ll be able to create your own network of international friends to practice other languages.
  • Engaging notifications. Procrastination is the worst enemy in learning a language, that’s why Speaky will show notifications everytime your friends engage in conversations, when you receive friend requests (or others accept yours) or even practice reminders.

Speaky values your privacy so if you don’t want to have a public profile listed in the community you can opt-out and just engage with your added friends.