Word Search

1Touch Studios
- May 31, 2015-Everyone
Andriod 2.3 and up +


Word Search by 1Touch studios was published with the interests of everyone in mind, for every age. It has a unique interfce, interactive touch and game play. In Word Search you get the option of selecting puzzle from our categories with have wide varieties  of titles of topics to choose from to play.

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Product Description

Word Search” is a new exciting way to solve puzzles. The main menu guides you to categories, changing your language for the interface and kids menu.
We have a specially created, infinite play for kids in the main menu. In our categories you will come across a large selection of pre-selected topics to choose.
We have many interesting categories with popular selection with TV shows to Hollywood celebs to general things you find in a house.
Quick play option is on the main menu when you want to play a random puzzle on the go, it is selected from the unlocked topics.
While solving the puzzle the words to search for are shown in the bottom of the screen to help you with the game.
Find words up, down, diagonal and also in reverse.
It does look easy at first but we are sure you’ll play the same puzzle again to get a better time.
We have some categories locked; in order to unlock you’ll have to obtain keys by completing the puzzles in 1:30 or finishing the quests.
With facebook integrated, you can also invite friends who may like the topics or share to display the best time of the achievements on your wall.